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College of Liberal Arts
University of Mississippi

2018 Faculty Grants—Biology

Joshua Bloomekatz primary investigator

Investigating the Role of the Local Tissue Environment in Heart Tube Assembly

Sponsor: American Heart Association
Award Amount: $231,000.00

Patrick Curtis

CAREER: Investigation of Conserved Global Regulatory Systems Using Cross-Organism Comparison

Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Amount: $146,096.00

Tamar Goulet primary investigator

EAGER: Coral Chimeras—A Novel Perspective on Coral Reef Ecology and Evolution

Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Amount: $274,997.00

Wayne Gray primary investigator

Effect of Immunization Route and Prior Immunity for a Live-attenuated Varicella AIDS Vaccine

Sponsor: Tulane University/NIH
Award Amount: $103,715.00

Erik Hom primary investigator

CAREER: Tempo, Contingency, and Gene Flow in the Coevolution of a Model Microbial Mutualis

Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Amount: $414,560.00

Colin Jackson and Ryan Garrick

Dimensions: Collaborative Research: Processes that generate and maintain phylogenetic, genetic, and functional diversity of the freshwater mussel holobiont across multiple scales

Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Amount: $799,456.00