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College of Liberal Arts
University of Mississippi

Service Learning Resources and Readings

Bringle, R. G., & Hatcher, J. A. (1996). Implementing service learning in higher education. Journal of Higher Education, 67(2).

Canada, M. & Speck, B. W. (Eds.). (2001). Developing and implementing service-learning programs. New Directions in Higher Education, No. 114, Summer 2001. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Duncan, D. & Kopperud, J. (2008). Service-learning companion. New York: Houghton Mifflin.

National Service-Learning Clearinghouse.

101 Ideas for combining service and learning. (1995, June 27). Florida International University.

Service-Learning Syllabi. (2007). Providence, RI: Campus Compact. Retrieved September 17, 2010, from

Stoecker, R. & Tryon, E. A. (Eds.) (2009). The unheard voices: Community organizations and service learning. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Strait, J. R., & Lima M. (Eds.). (2009). The future of service-learning: New solutions for sustaining and improving practice. Sterling, VA: Stylus.