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College of Liberal Arts
University of Mississippi

Sayontani Sinha Roy, PhD Chemistry & Biochemistry 21

2021 Graduate Achievement Award recipient

Sayontani Sinha Roy“Finding cleaner alternative energy sources is the need of the hour. It is especially important for countries where the persistent energy crisis is the bottleneck of economic prosperity. One of the ways to achieve that is fabricating artificial photosynthesis systems which can harness power from photonic energy directly.

“Prior to coming to Ole Miss, I was involved with developing catalysts for water oxidation reaction (occurs in the anodic chamber), which is crucial for making an artificial photosynthesis device. For my phd studies, I wanted to work on the other side of the artificial photosynthesis chamber (cathodic chamber), i.e., CO2 reduction reaction. At Ole Miss I became interested in Dr. Jonah Jurss’ research endeavors designing efficient catalysts for carbon-dioxide reduction reaction. I have secured a position in the Argonne National Lab.”