Deans and Staff

The College of Liberal Arts Dean's office supports the success of our faculty, staff, and students.

Lee Michael Cohen


Lee Michael Cohen

Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Professor of Psychology

Associate and Assistant Deans

Anne Elizabeth Cafer

Anne Elizabeth Cafer

  • Associate Dean for Research, Scholarship and Graduate Education and Associate Professor of Sociology
Kirsten Dellinger

Kirsten Dellinger

  • Associate Dean for Access and Strategic Initiatives and Professor of Sociology
Donald Dyer

Donald Dyer

  • Associate Dean for Faculty & Academic Affairs and Distinguished Professor of Modern Languages
Holly Reynolds

Holly Reynolds

  • Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Assistant Professor
Carmen Riggan

Carmen Riggan

  • Assistant Dean - College of Liberal Arts

Administrative Staff

Elaine Abadie

Elaine Abadie

  • Program Manager
Taylor Clark

Taylor Clark

  • Operations Assistant
Amy Evans

Amy Evans

  • Graphic Web Designer
Ashley Frye

Ashley Frye

  • Research Administrator II
Lele Gillespie

Lele Gillespie

  • Project Coordinator
Annabelle Harris

Annabelle Harris

  • Admissions Counselor
Patty Hays

Patty Hays

  • Business Manager
TaJuana Redmond Jackson

TaJuana Redmond Jackson

  • Project Coordinator (Research/Graduate)
Patricia Oswalt

Patricia Oswalt

  • Accountant II
Glisto Rice

Glisto Rice

  • Research Administrator I
Valeria Ross

Valeria Ross

  • Program Director for Access and Strategic Initiatives
Wayne Shaw

Wayne Shaw

  • Manager Transfer Equivalency/Data Analyst
Stacey Smith

Stacey Smith

  • Assistant to the Dean - Administrative Support

CLA Student Services Staff

The CLA Office of Student Services provides critical advising and support for our undergraduate students.
Carmen Riggan

Carmen Riggan

  • Assistant Dean - College of Liberal Arts
Margaret Justice

Margaret Justice

  • Staff Assistant
Joy Rowsey Rowsey

Joy Rowsey Rowsey

  • Staff Assistant II
Ann Margaret Compton

Ann Margaret Compton

  • Academic Counselor
Llanet Gipson

Llanet Gipson

  • Academic Counselor
El Hasley

El Hasley

  • Academic Counselor
Rachael Jones

Rachael Jones

  • Academic Counselor
Kell Kellum

Kell Kellum

  • Academic Counselor
Kordarius Parker

Kordarius Parker

  • Academic Counselor II
Mallory Menard

Mallory Menard

  • Academic Counselor
Jabrea Turner

Jabrea Turner

  • Academic Counselor
Ingrid Valbuena Alcina

Ingrid Valbuena Alcina

  • Academic Counselor II

Development Team

For information about giving to the College of Liberal Arts, please contact:
Delia Childers

Delia Childers

  • Director of Development
Caroline Hourin

Caroline Hourin

  • Director of Development
Rhodes Morgan

Rhodes Morgan

  • Development Associate