The College of Liberal Arts requires a Travel Authorization form for any university-related travel, for any reason. This CLA policy by the Dean overrides that of the Office of Procurement. See more about this below.

Travel Policy Updates

Travel Procurement has launched Pre and Post Waivers for all travelers. See Travel website for details.
TaJuana Redmond Jackson

Questions about Travel?

Please contact me with any questions regarding the university process or forms. I coordinate the travel forms for the College of Liberal Arts. 

TaJuana Redmond Jackson

Project Coordinator (Research/Graduate)

CLA Travel Policy

The CLA Dean requires a travel authorization for all those traveling on behalf of the University of Mississippi’s College of Liberal Arts. His mandate overrides those of the Procurement Office.

The CLA is the largest unit on campus and with such a large group, Dean Cohen has been deemed the travel authorization an important step in travel security measures. With the blessing of both the Provost and Chancellor, our Dean requires a travel authorization even if the trip does not require a conference fee, request for advance, nor is non-international.

A Travel Authorization form will be submitted from the traveler's department to the dean's office for approval upon completion by the traveler's chair or director. This is for the safety of all CLA faculty, staff and students. Upon completion, a blue note is sent to the department and traveler as receipt of approval and to provide next steps in the travel process. Remember, it is the traveler's responsibility to keep up with and to monitor the travel documents.

Travel Resources

The Travel webpage on the Procurement website provides the UM policies, procedures, and forms regarding university-authorized travel.

  • View the new PRE- and POST- Travel waivers (NEW)

Travel Forms are assigned by the traveler’s last name

  • Cindi Crocker: A-L
  • Madison Lorenzo: M-Z

View your personal travel online with your WEB ID

The Dos

Do submit a Travel Authorization (TA) for all trips taken on behalf of the CLA.

A TA is required for all CLA Travel!

  • No Conference Fee - TA still required
  • Traveling for Research or Recruitment or Donor - TA still required
  • No advance requested - TA still required
  • Just a day trip - A TA is still required

All individuals traveling on behalf of the CLA in any capacity will submit a travel authorization.

The Don'ts

  • No handwritten Travel Authorizations. These are official state documents.
  • Scan and email all travel documents. Do not send packets through campus mail.
  • Hold the original documents in a safe space for seven years.
  • Do not send multiple attachments in an email. Create a single packet per trip.
  • Chairs/Directors only sign as the traveler when submitting for themselves. Chairs and Directors do not approve their own travel.

December and January travel MUST be submitted prior to Thanksgiving.

All end of year travel submitted to Dean’s office by Nov. 1.

January and February travel submitted by Dec. 2

International Travel Authorizations submitted 30 days prior to travel