Dean's Welcome Message

Discover our rich history and thriving community.

Welcome to the College of Liberal Arts

Lee Cohen PortraitIt is my pleasure to welcome you to the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Mississippi.

The College of Liberal Arts is proud to be the oldest and largest academic division on campus. We are a thriving group of individuals who play a pivotal role in the overall success of our university. Spanning the fine & performing arts, the humanities, the natural sciences & mathematics, and the social sciences, the College faculty offer four undergraduate degrees (i.e., Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Music, and Bachelor of Science) with 36 majors and 55 minor fields of study. At the graduate level, we offer 20 master’s programs and 12 doctoral programs. 

Our dedicated faculty are a community of researchers, scholars, performers, and teachers whose work expands the boundaries of knowledge and creativity in every area of study housed within the College. Their teaching encourages lifelong learning and prepares our students for the future. Our exceptional staff uphold the mission of the College in countless ways. They support and advise our students and work alongside faculty and administrators to provide the expertise necessary for the day-to-day functioning of our complex university, which is vital to our success. Our students are among the best in the country, winning competitive national awards for their academic achievements, and playing a vital part in leading efforts for positive change at the University and in our communities. And our inspiring alumni are engaged in original and transformative achievements in their personal and professional lives. They serve as brilliant mentors and role models, exemplars of the outstanding liberal arts education they received on our campus. Further, they are making their marks on just about every profession and walk of life imaginable—proof positive that a liberal arts education is of tremendous value in our society.

Thank you for your interest in the College of Liberal Arts. I am confident you can find a home with us that will prepare you for success in anything that lies ahead for you. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us to help support your academic journey.

Dr. Lee M. Cohen, PhD
Dean, College of Liberal Arts