Careers and Alumni

The value of the liberal arts education
The nearly 59,000 total CLA alumni showcase the value of the liberal arts education. They are found across Mississippi, the nation, and the world. They are found in every sector of the economy - from healthcare providers and lawyers to leaders in the businessworld and government; from researchers and educators to artists and entertainers.
The diversity of academic programs within the College of Liberal Arts prepares our students for professional or graduate school as well as a wide range of careers. It is no wonder that more than half of our undergraduate alumni enroll in professional school or graduate school given the outstanding foundation for many highly specialized fields such as healthcare or law.
Studying liberal arts isn’t learning a trade. It’s trading on what students have learned to launch an inspiring career.
See what alumni say about their liberal arts education and how it has influenced their career paths.
Empowered and Prepared
Our CLA students become experts in the the core set of skills at the heart of our liberal arts education. These skills prepare them for careers in any economic sector.
- Writing and speaking with confidence and skill
- Critical thinking
- Quantitative skills and data analysis
- Celebrating human expression through the arts
- Navigating complex moral and ethical situations
- Engaging the power of your citizenship
- Discovering solutions to the pressing issues facing our world
CLA Undergraduate Alumni Careers
CLA undergraduate alumni are working in the many different careers, some that are more closely related to their major and others that more broadly related to the value of a liberal arts education.
We classified the economic sector of the employer for most of our living alumni, including last employment for those enjoying their retirement. We show most of those economic sectors below and the percent of alumni whose employers fit in those categories. Click on the category below to see many examples of job titles and employers with the alum's major in parenthesis.
Social Science MajorsSenior VP, BancorpSouth (Anthropology) | Natural Science & Math MajorsPharmacist, Walmart (Biochemistry) |
Humanities MajorsSenior Tax Consultant, KPMG (Classics) | Fine & Performing Arts MajorsCo-Owner, Square Books (Art) |
Fine & Performing Arts MajorsSocial Media Strategist, Erlanger Health System (Art)
| Humanities MajorsHand Surgeon, Orthoarkansas (Classics)Physician, Princeton Baptist Med Center (Clc) Project Test Coord., PathGroup (Classics) Manager, Nouveau Anesthesia Med Group (Clc) Patient Account Specialist, IKS Health (Clc) Neurologist, Lakeland Radiologists (Clc) Gastroenterologist, Flowers Hospital (Clc) Clinical Education Coord. self-employed (Clc) Staff, Crossroads Animal Hospital (Clc) Physician, SE Louisiana Veterans Healthcare (Eng) Surgeon, Beaumont Bone and Joint Institute (English) Researcher, St. Jude’s Hospital (Eng) Physician, Oregon Science & Health (Eng) Research Interviewer, MD Anderson (Eng) Comm. Specialist, Methodist Le Bonheur (Eng) Nurse, Greenwood Leflore Hospital (Eng) Attorney, LifePoint Health (English) Manager of Res Services, Baddour Center (Eng) Dir of Gift Planning & Dev, UT Health-San Antonio (Eng) OB-GYN, Jackson Healthcare for Women (Eng) Regional Director of Operations, Wound Care Advantage (Philosophy) Physician, Colleton Med. Center (Phil) Physician, Internal Medicine (Phil) Physician, Carepoint (Phil) Pediatrician, Lafayette Pediatric Clinic (Phil) Physician, North MS Medical Center (Phil) Pharmacist, North MS Medical Center (Phil) Strategic Program Mgr, Ochsner Heath System (Modern Languages) Neurologist, Davita Medical Group (Mod Lang) Physician, Internal Medicine Assoc (Mod Lang) Dir. of Employee Engagement, St. Jude’s Hospital (Mod Lang) Certified Child Life Specialist, TX Children’s Hospital (Mod Lang) Epidemiologist, Eagle Medical Services (Mod Lang) Nurse Practitioner, Oxford Pediatric Group (Mod Lang) |
Natural Science & Math MajorsOrthopedic Surgeon, TN Orthopedics (Biochem) | Social Science majorsOptometrist, Gulf Coast Eye Center (Anthropology) Regional Dev. Director, St. Jude’s Hospital (Anth) Physician, Avalon Medical (Anthropology) Nurse, Northside Hospital (Anthropology) Dir. Compliance/Credentialing, Charlotte Radiology (Anth) Neurologist, Shands Hospital (Anthropology) Doctor, Oxford Urology Associates (Anthropology) Marketing Director, Cape Cod Hospital (Political Sci) CEO, Magee General Hospital (Political Sci) Owner, North MS Mobile Imaging (Political Sci) Surgeon, Terrebonne Gen Medical Center (Political Sci) Dir of Digital Strategy, UNC Health Care (Political Sci) Social Worker, Forrest General Hospital (Political Sci) CEO, Kings Daughters Hospital (Political Science) Chief HR Officer, Singing River Health System (Political Sci) Attorney, Sisters of Mercy Health System (Political Sci) Self-employed Cardiologist (Psychology) Ophthalmologist, Florida Eye Care (Psychology) Assistant Manager, St. Mary’s Hospital (Psy) Owner, West Medical Center (Psy) Graphic Designer, St. Jude’s Hospital (Psy) VP of Business Dev, Mercy Health (Psy) VP, Georgia Baptist Medical Center (Psy) Nurse, Ocean Springs Hospital (Psy) Social Worker, Parkland Hospital (Psy) Self-employed, Cardiologist (Psy) Physical Therapist, Baptist Hospital (Psy) Orthopedic Surgeon, TN Orthopedics (Psy) Chief Strategy Officer, N. MS Health Services (Psy) Physician, Lake Charles Surgical Clinic (Psy) Plastic Surgeon, Plastic & Hand Surgery Assoc. (Psy) Owner, West Medical Center (Psy) Child Life Specialist, TX Children’s Hospital (Psy) Patient Care Coord, Health Care Assoc. (Psy) Nurse Practitioner, Yalobusha Medical Clinic (Psy) Fellow, Barrow Neurological Inst (Psy) Occupational Therapist, Methodist Rehab (Psy) Community Counselor, Lakeside Behavioral Health System (Public Policy Leadership) Cybersecurity Engineer, Atrium Health (PPL) Assoc. Dir., Children’s National Health Sys. (Sociology) Social Work Coord, Baptist Memorial Hospital (Soc) Patient Care Coordinator, Innovative Eye Care (Soc) Nurse, Slidell Memorial Hospital (Sociology) Physical Therapist, Baptist Hospital (Sociology) Legal Counsel, Regional Medical Center (Soc) CEO, Memorial Hermann Health Systems (Soc) Alcohol/Drug Counselor, Brooks Army Med Center (Soc) General Counsel, Texas Medical Center (Sociology) Self-employed physician (Sociology) Nurse, North Mississippi Women’s Center (Sociology) |
Fine & Performing ArtsFaculty, Brevard Community College (Art)
| HumanitiesWeb Developer, U/ California-Irvine (Clc) |
Natural Science & Math MajorsCoord. Student Wellness, Austin Peay (Biochem)Asst. Prof. of Cardiac Surgery, U of Washington Med Center (Biochem) Orthopedic Surgeon, Tulane U (Biochem) Pediatrician, UM Medical Center (Biochem) Radiologist, Johns Hopkins Hospital (Biochem) Infectious Disease Specialist, LSU Health (Biochem) Pediatrician, Vanderbilt Hospital (Biochem) Internist, UM Medical Center (Biochemistry) Cancer Research Specialist, U of Chicago (Biochem) Researcher, U of Colorado (Biochemistry) Associate R&D Medicinal Chemistry, UM (Biochem) Chief Medical Officer, UM Medical Center (Biology) Academic Physician, Baylor Medical College (Bio) Associate Provost, Belhaven (Biology) Research Nurse, Duke Medical Center (Biology) Faculty, Hinds Community College (Biology) Microbiology Faculty, Indiana Med School (Bio) Chair Science Dept, MS Gulf Coast CC (Bio) Faculty, Mississippi State University (Biology) E-learning Coord, Northwest Comm College (Bio) Ped. Genetic Counselor, Baylor Med College (Bio) Faculty, Univ of Vermont Medical Center (Bio) Orthopedic Surgeon, Univ of Alabama–Birm. (Bio) R&D Biologist, Natl Center for Physical Acoustics (Biology) Physician, UNC-Chapel Hill (Biology) Biosafety Officer, Mississippi State Univ (Biology) Faculty, Itawamba Comm College (Biology) Safety & Training Specialist, Univ of Miss (Bio) Faculty, Johns Hopkins (Chem) Faculty, Univ of Texas (Chem) Faculty, Univ. of Illinois-Chicago (Chem) Faculty, Alcorn State (Chem) Faculty, Northwest MS Comm College (Chem) Coahoma Comm College (Chemistry) Toxicologist, UM Medical Center (Chemistry) Chair, Dept of Medicine, Emory Univ (Chem) Research Assoc, Univ of Michigan (Chem) Staff Psychiatrist, Univ of Tennessee (Chem) Physician, Univ. of Alabama (Chemistry) Orthopedic Surgeon, Tulane Univ (Chemistry) Faculty, UM Medical Center (Chemistry) Research Asst, Vanderbilt Cancer Ctr (Chem) Program Coord. Microbiology, UC-San Fran (Chem) Urologist, John Hopkins Hospital (Chemistry) Forensic Toxicologist, Univ of Tennessee (Chemistry) Manager Mass Spectrometrist, Harvard (Chem) Technical Staff-Informatics Group, MIT (Chem Assoc. Research Scientist, U. of Miss (Forensic Chem) Forensic Toxicologist, U. of Tennessee (F Chem) Associate Dean, William Carey University (F Chem) Pharmaceutical Research, U. of Florida (F Chem) NIH Fellow, Univ. of Alabama-Birm. (F Chem) Pediatrics, UM Medical Center (F Chem) Assistant Professor, Arkansas Tech U (F Chem) Research Associate, U. of Southern Miss (F Chem) Faculty, Northwest MS Comm College (F Chem) Physician, Augusta U. Medical Center (F Chem) Chemistry Lab Coord, George Washington U (F Chem) Assistant Provost, New Jersey City Univ (Math) Faculty, UNC-Chapel Hill (Math) Faculty, Duke (Math) Faculty, Florida State (Math) Faculty, Univ. of Georgia (Math) Medical Faculty, UM Medical Center (Math) Medical Faculty, Vanderbilt (Math) Pres, MS Delta Comm College (Math) Faculty, Northwest MS Comm College (Math) Faculty, Hinds Comm College (Math) Faculty, Northeast MS Comm College (Math) Computer App Coord, NE MS Comm College (Math) Faculty, Texas A&M (Physics) Faculty, Univ. of Maryland (Physics) Faculty, Boston U (Physics) Dean Science & Eng., Univ of West FL (Physics) Physician, UM Medical Center (Physics) Physician, Vanderbilt Med Center (Physics) Physician, Yale School of Medicine (Physics) Physician, Johns Hopkins Hospital (Physics) Assoc Dean Fin & Operations-School of Eng, Duke (Physics) Researcher, Virginia Tech (Physics) Faculty, U. of TN Space Institute (Physics) VP for Instruction, Pearl River Comm College (Physics) | Social Science MajorsSocial Work Faculty, Univ. of Southern MS (Anthropology) |
Fine & Performing Arts MajorsLaw Clerk, Montana Supreme Court (Art) | HumanitiesMany self-employed lawyers and lawyers at top law firms across Mississippi and beyond Chief Judge, MS Court of Appeals (Classics) |
Natural Science & Math MajorsMany self-employed lawyers and lawyers at top law firms across Mississippi and beyond Counsel, Linklaters (Biochem) | Social Science MajorsMany self-employed lawyers and lawyers at top law firms across Mississippi and beyond Attorney, McDonnell Law Firm (Anthropology) |
Fine & Performing ArtsGraphic Designer, Mississippi State Hospital (Art)
| Humanities MajorsForeign Affairs Officer, US Dept of State (Classics) |
Natural Science & Math MajorsDiabetes Educator, Georgia Dept of Public Health (Biochem)
| Social Science MajorsManager, Village of Walden (Anthropology)Chief Archaeologist, MS Dept of Archives & History (Anth) Collections Manager, MS Dept of Archives & History (Anth) Chief Archaeologist, US Dept of Ag-Forest (Anthropology) Youth Court Prosecutor, Tunica County (Anthropology) Researcher, US Dept of State (Anthropology) Archaeologist, Dept. of Antiquities (Anthropology) Archaeologist, Bureau of Land Management (Anth) Sr. City Planner, New Orleans Planning Comm (Anth) Archaeologist, US Army Corps of Engineers (Anth) Owner/CEO, Lobby Traffic Systems (Anth) Research Analyst, MS Development Authority (Economics) Sr Construction Mgr, NY Gov Office (Econ) US Rep Travis W. Childers (Economics) State Auditor, Mississippi (Economics) Policy Analyst, Kansas City Chamber of Comm (Econ) Comm. Director, US Rep (Economics) Constituent Services Rep, US Senator (Econ) Career Manager, US Army HR Command (Econ) 2nd Lieutenant, US Navy (Economics) Senior Power Trader, Tennessee Valley Auth (Econ) Contract Specialist, NASA (Economics) Special Agents in DEA, Treasury, FBI (Political Science) Comm. Dev Advisor, Fed Reserve Bank-Cleveland (Pol) Senior Manager, FBI (Pol) Senator, Roger Wicker (Pol) Park Ranger, National Park Service (Pol) Dir. of Parks & Recreation, Hernando (Pol) District Director, US Rep Gregg Harper (Pol) Downtown Dev. Coord, Dallas (Pol) Project Manager, Dept of Defense (Pol) Dir of Analysis, Dept of Homeland Security (Pol) Ed. Specialist, MS Dept of Health & Human Svcs. (Pol) Policy Deputy Chief, Dept of Defense (Pol) Sr Community Affairs Specialist, FDIC (Pol) Ex Asst. to Comm., Fed Election Comm. (Pol) Public Affairs Specialist, FEMA (Pol) Gen Counsel, Congressional Agriculture Comm (Pol) Political Field Rep, Congressional Campaign (Pol) Chairman, MS Democratic Party (Pol) Staff, US House Armed Services Comm. (Pol) Foreign Service Officer, Dept of State (Pol) Economist, Joint Legislative Budget Comm (Pol) Mississippi State Auditor (Pol) Deputy US Marshall (Pol) Sr Attorney, MS Dept of Human Services (Pol) Legislative Assistant, MS Senate (Pol) Gaming Engineer, MS Gaming Commission (Pol) Asst to Political Dir, Natl Rep. Senate Comm. (Pol) Watch Officer-Crisis & Operations Group, NATO (Pol) Intl & Federal Affairs Advisor, Office of MS Governor (Pol) Exec Asst., US Senate Comm on Appropriations (Pol) Legislative Correspondent, Senate Office (Pol) Policy Dir, US Rep Office (Political Science) Assistant, Her Majesty Queen-Noor of Jordan (Pol) Sentencing Guidelines Specialist, US Probation Office (Pol) Victim Assistance Coord, MS Crime Lab (Pol) JAG, US Air Force (Political Science) Intelligence Analyst, US Army (Pol) Brigadier General, US Army (Pol) Platoon Commander, US Marine Corps (Pol) Chief, Starkville Police Dept (Pol) Asst. Attorney General, State of TN (Psychology) Bangkok Dir, Intl Law Enforcement Academy (Psy) Federal Agent, Dept of Justice (Psychology) Prime Minister, Dominica (Psychology) Drug Counselor, MS Dept of Corrections (Psy) Secret Service-White House (Psychology) Psychologist, Federal Bureau of Prisons (Psy) Deputy Sheriff, Hinds Cty Sheriff’s Dept (Psy) Dir. Lead Poisoning Control, NYC Dept.Health (Psy) Legislative Liaison, Office of MS Lt. Governor (Psy) Personnel Director, US Air Force (Psy) Therapist, Naval Hospital (Psychology) Systems Analyst, US Army Natl Ground Intel (Psy) Flight Comm., ICBM Targeting, US Air Force (Public Policy Leadership) Field Rep. and General Counsel, US Senate (PPL) US Senate Comm. Appropriations (PPL) Intl Dev. Specialist, US Dept of State (PPL) Staff, US Senate Appropriations Trans & HUD (PPL) Legislative Assistant, US Senate Office (PPL) Policy Analyst for CFO, Homeland Security (PPL) College Savings Plans Policy Dir, MS Treasurer (PPL) Dev Project Facilitator, City of Denton (PPL) Asst. to Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy, US Dept of Ed. (PPL) Press Secretary, Office of Senator (PPL) Aide-de-Camp, Office of MS Governor (PPL) Assistant City Planner, City of Starkville (PPL) Dir. of Member Services, House Repub. Conf (PPL) Staff Attorney, Mississippi Dept of Revenue (PPL) Communications Coord., Office of former VP (PPL) Policy Advisor, MS State Treasurer (PPL) Campaign Manager, Buck Clarke for Treasurer (PPL) Analyst, MS State Legislature (PPL) Special Agent, MS Bureau of Narcotics (Sociology) Hearing Officer, Disability Determination (Soc) Dir. Planning & Dev., City of West Palm Beach (Soc) Data Scientist, U.S. Census Bureau (Sociology) Bureau Director, Division of Medicaid (Sociology) Statistician, MS Dept. of Youth Services (Soc) Dir. Comm. & Econ Dev, Three Rivers Planning & Dev District (Soc) Surface Warfare Operations, US Navy (Sociology) Lt. Colonel/Chief of Staff, US Air Force (Sociology) Captain, Shelby County Sheriff’s Office (Sociology) Psychological Evaluator, MS Dept of Corr. (Soc) Drug Counselor, Brooks Army Medical Center (Soc) VP, World Wide Security (Sociology) |
Fine & Performing Arts MajorsVice President of Operations, NextGear (Art)
| Humanities MajorsMechanical Engineer, Raytheon (Classics) |
Natural Science & Math MajorsLab Quality Manager, Sanderson Farms (Biochemistry) | Social Science MajorsSr. Dir, Clinical Informatics, eviCore (Anthropology) |
Fine & Performing Arts Majorsmany hundreds of K-12 teachers in art, music, theatre across MS, Southeast, and beyond Director of Bands, Southaven (Music)
| Humanities Majorsmany hundreds of K-12 teachers in English, history, foreign languages across MS, Southeast, and beyond. |
Natural Sciences & Math Majorsmany hundreds of K12 teachers of math and science across MS, Southeast, and beyond Dir of Technology, Grenada Schools (Biology)
| Social Science Majorsmany hundreds of K12 teachers of social studies and other topics across MS, Southeast, and beyond Principal, Senatobia Jr. High School (Pol Sci) |
Fine & Performing Arts MajorsProgram Officer, Rhode Island Foundation (Art)
| HumanitiesPastor, Hope Fellowship (Classics) |
Natural Science & Math MajorsBehavior Technician, Center for Autism (Biochemistry) | Social Science MajorsCounselor, Advanced Behavioral Cons (Anthropology) |
Fine & Performing Arts MajorsDesigner starring on HGTV’s “Home Town” (Art)
| Humanities MajorsPrincipal, Museum Concepts (Classics) |
Natural Science & Math Majors
| Social Science MajorsLibrarian & Levant Curator, British Museum (Anthropology) |

CLA Alumni Affairs
Hello CLA Alumni!
I would love to help you connect with the College and fellow alumni! If you have any questions or need to talk more about alumni affairs, please feel free to reach out to me.
Sunny Brown
Assistant Director of College of Liberal Arts Alumni Affairs
CLA Advisory Board
The College of Liberal Arts Alumni Board is a distinguished group of alumni and friends who help the College fulfill its mission.
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CLA Alumni Award Recipients
The College of Liberal Arts created awards to recognize our outstanding alumni
Alumni Award Recipients