Strategic Plan

Goals and objectives in the 2024-28 CLA strategic plan

Investing in Our People

CLA's Plan for the Future

Since its inception, the College of Liberal Arts has served as the academic core of the University of Mississippi. Our faculty and graduate programs contribute significantly to the University’s R-1 mission, and the departments and programs that are housed within the College contribute to every undergraduate student’s education across campus, providing a strong foundation in the fine and performing arts, the humanities, the natural sciences & mathematics, and the social sciences—disciplines central to inspiring innovation. This plan provides a roadmap of where the College will focus its resources and where we believe these resources can have the biggest impact over the next 6 years.

The people working in the College are our greatest strength. CLA faculty are a community of dedicated researchers, scholars, artists, and teachers. Their work expands the boundaries of our knowledge and creativity, and their teaching inspires lifelong learning while also preparing students for a variety of careers. CLA staff are exceptional and strongly support the execution of the mission of the College every day. Our graduate students are significant contributors to the College’s research and teaching endeavors. Our undergraduate students are primed for graduate study or entry into their first professional position, having been well prepared through inspiring classroom teaching, cross-disciplinary programs, internships, and research experiences. Finally, our alumni are transformative in their personal and professional lives and serve as examples of an outstanding liberal arts education—proof positive of its tremendous value in today’s society.

The goals, objectives, and actions included in the CLA strategic plan are based on input from a survey designed to assess the College’s strengths and opportunities. This survey was distributed to all CLA faculty and staff and was followed by multiple rounds of feedback, including two retreats with the chairs and directors in the CLA. Overall, the purpose of this plan is to ensure that our needs are met while also considering where to invest resources based on our strengths and potential. Together we are strong, and will continue to impact the amazing trajectory of our incredible university.

Lee M. Cohen
Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Professor of Psychology

CLA Strategic Goals and Objectives

The College’s breadth of programs, majors and minors is one of its key strengths. It is important to convey the value of its programs, mission and identity in today’s world. The College of Liberal Arts is committed to developing a cohesive identity that aligns with faculty, staff and student values and goals.


1. Build an understanding of how liberal arts degrees are perceived and the national and regional trends of student

2. Collaborate with departments and others across campus to maximize the perceived value of a liberal arts education and the role of the College on campus.

3. Support future opportunities in CLA disciplines to enhance academic offerings and clarify potential career.

4. Enhance community-engaged partnerships to improve the lives of individuals and communities.

The College of Liberal Arts succeeds on the strength of its community. It will enhance its capacity to strategically recruit and retain faculty, staff and students, both undergraduate and graduate.


1. Collaborate with departments and university partners to better understand recruitment needs.

2. Develop and implement strategies to improve recruitment.

3. Collaborate with departments and university partners to better understand retention needs.

4. Develop and implement strategies to improve retention. 

The College of Liberal Arts thrives when its students thrive. The College will work to identify and, where possible, invest in new, innovative academic offerings, enhance existing successful academic programs, and bolster the success of its undergraduate and graduate students.


1. Explore the potential for new, innovative academic programs or emphasis areas in undergraduate and graduate programs.

2. Expand online offerings to make CLA programs available to a broader audience.

3. Evaluate the general education curriculum to explore increased flexibility and College appeal to undergraduate students. 

4. Enhance opportunities for internship and career readiness for undergraduate students. 

In the College of Liberal Arts, faculty produce outstanding R-1 research and creative achievement that transform lives, communities and the world. The College will continue to build an infrastructure that supports excellence in research and creative activity.


1. Collaborate with and across departments to understand the needs related to research, scholarship and creative activity. 

2. Develop a College-level infrastructure master plan that is utilized in future decision-making and promoted with the UM central administration, as appropriate.

3. Expand administrative structures that increase efficiency and collaboration in support of research and creative arts funding.

4. Identify strategic research and creative achievement priorities that leverage faculty and departmental expertise to address problems of local and global import.

The College of Liberal Arts strives to create an environment of learning and discovery where faculty, staff and students are supported and can expect respect and a sense of belonging as they pursue their best work. The College seeks to build diversity, equity and inclusion into the heart of its research, teaching and service mission.


1. Collaborate with departments to better understand needs and develop practices that foster diversity, equity and inclusion.

2. Expand administrative structures and best practices to support diversity, equity and inclusion at the College and department levels.

3. Develop new College-level initiatives that directly support the university and College-level Pathways to Equity plans.

4. Highlight and reward faculty, staff and student efforts to enhance inclusive and equitable practices in the College.